Sunday, 22 February 2009

Been a while..


I've been out doing lots of fun stuff, hence not writing on here for a while. Also, work and uni has been H E C T I C this week. I've taken on extra shifts at a bar on the other campus at uni, which is good for monies, but bad for sleepies. So have been very tired this week. Also been dead good at uni and have been doing all the work and so on like a nerd. Course, this has all made me exhausted, but on the other hand my sleeping pattern has sorted itself out, and when I went out last night I really let my hair down and properly felt as if I deserved to, which was hugely satisfying.

I finished work just gone midnight on Friday, and Sam was a darling and met me so I didn't have to walk home in the dark by myself (I'd missed the last bus). We got back and I had a well deserved gin and a roll up, and then we watched the third episode of Boys and Girls Alone. Normally, I wouldn't touch programmes like this with a barge pole - it's basically Big Brother but with kids. But holy mother of crap, you guys - it is absoutely brilliantly superbly hysterically funny. I demand you all go and 4OD it immediately. The third episode is definitely the best so far; I was literally crying with laughter at some of the stuff the kids were coming out with. Brilliant stuff. Last episode this week though, very sad times.

Saturday we had a nice lie in , then went into London. I took Sam to Borough Market as it is the mos incredible food market I've ever been to and he'd never gone before. You should go too. We bought awesome Jamaican patties for our lunch (we wanted ostrich burgers but the queues were mental) and ate them in a beer garden on the Thames, right next to Francis Drake's boat, the Armada. That was super cool. Then we walked right along the river from London Bridge to Southwark, past the Globe and the Tate and so on, which was really awesome. We have decided we want to live in the Oxo Building, and Sam introduced me to a great second hand book market, which had me far too excited.

Sam went off to Notting Hill to a gig about half five so I went and met Rey, Millsy and Chaddock for some drinks off Oxford Street. Ended up in the John Snow and miraculously got seats. Shock!! Had a few bevvies, Sam met us later, and then we all headed to Afterskool. I got battered for a ridiculously small amount of money - three pints for £3.60? Cant argue with that. God Bless half price drink hour.

Was good to see lots of people - especially Rosie, who has been horribly absent for a while - and Sam and I both fell asleep on the nightbus so the usual nightmarish hour journey home was absolutely a success. Apparently I had a mini strop walking down Oxford Street as we saw an (www N87 drive past and I was absolutely adamant that it was the very last nightbus and there were no more ever. I'm amazing.

I'm finally caught up with Questionable Content ( which is very sad, as now I only get one comic a day. Boo hiss. Does mean I'll use my spare time more constructively though. Maybe.

Have still been feeling a bit weird about the whole SamgoingtoseeDerrenBrownwithhisfamilyandhisex thing. In general I'm not bothered, but every now and again I remember and it makes my tummy go all blurgh. I don't like that it bothers me. I had a five minute emotional freak-out on Sam last night at the club. It started out of nowhere, I ranted for about three minutes, then promptly became a normal human being again. I think Sam finds me funny when I do that. Pfft.

This week will be mainly uni work, bar work, eat, sleep, repeat. I miiiiiiight go to New Noise on Wednesday, but probably not, as I am trying to be careful with my spenditure and I have uni at 9am on Thursday. And I'm going out on Saturday with the girls (totally super excited about this) and I think one night out a week is enough, for both my wallet and my liver.

Sam is currently out filming a documentary about a band he likes called Pharaohs. I'm really stoked for him that he's getting hands on with this stuff and going out and doing it for fun, not just for uni. It also makes me think I should start writing again - but seriously. As in try and get something vaguely publishable (made up words FTW) in the works. Or at least begin formulating an idea. Stay tuned, folks.

I am talking like an American cheerleader tonight. Also, in the past week I've said 'flipside' twice. I'm diseased.

P.S. You lot didn't appreciate the comics. Heretics.


  1. The Derren Brown bit reads as hi-sex not his-ex. That's a bad thing.
    Spenditure isn't a word. You were looking for expenditure.

